IoT Hardware

Pioneering the future of connectivity and delivery of IoT solutions.

IoT Hardware

Pioneering the future of connectivity and delivery of IoT solutions.

IoT Hardware

Pioneering the future of connectivity and delivery of IoT solutions.


IoT Hardware provides secure IoT connectivity and end-to-end solutions devoted to helping customers optimize operations, create business value, and secure vital functions.    

As a web designer for the IoT Hardware project, my mission was to pioneer the future of connectivity by creating a responsive website and branding that showcased advanced IoT hardware solutions. The project encompassed developing a user-friendly web shop, crafting compelling marketing landing pages, and leading user research to understand user needs and preferences better.

My contributions

— Web design

— User experience design

— Product strategy

— Branding


The website featured a diverse range of IoT hardware, including temperature sensors, security devices, motion sensors, monitoring devices, and more. The design aimed to highlight the functionalities of these devices and educate users on how they could seamlessly integrate IoT solutions into their homes.

I played a crucial role in creating a responsive website that ensured a seamless user experience across various devices. Crafting a cohesive brand identity, I designed a web shop that facilitated easy navigation and showcased the array of IoT devices available. Additionally, I led the design direction, ensuring consistency in visual elements and user interface design. The marketing landing pages were strategically designed to captivate users and communicate the vast possibilities of IoT hardware.


The project's overarching mission was to familiarize users with the potential of IoT devices and guide them on incorporating these solutions into their homes—the website aimed to be an educational hub showcasing the transformative power of IoT technology.


The project gave exceptional results, surpassing sales goals and generating substantial profits. The website successfully increased sales in IoT hardware installations, showcasing the tangible impact of our design in driving business success. Moreover, the platform experienced significant growth in upkeep and monitoring sales, solidifying its position as a leader in the IoT hardware industry.

As a web designer, it was gratifying to contribute to a project that met its goals and exceeded expectations. The success of the website reflects the potency of strategic design in communicating the value of advanced technology and driving both user engagement and business growth.

Igor did a wonderful job with our challenging website. He delivered exactly what was needed, timely and with high quality. He has been great to work with throughout this project and I definitely recommend him for web design projects.

Mikkel Selente

CEO, CubatorLab

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Copyright © 2010 - 2024 • Igor Jovanić
Copyright © 2010 - 2024 • Igor Jovanić
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